男性乳房发育手术综述 | 唐纳森整形外科-澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网


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男性乳房发育症手术值得吗? 一位澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台回答“是”!


多余的乳房组织是不舒服的. Especially if you’re a man that spends hours in the gym and eats right, but you just can’t see the results of that effort when you take off your shirt. 

不幸的是, we can’t out-lift or out-diet gynecomastia because it isn’t a build-up of fatty tissue — it’s glandular tissue. 有时候,我们不是生物的对手. 

话虽如此, there is a simple surgical solution out there that has helped countless men feel better about their bodies, you’ve likely heard of it through your own research. 这叫做男性乳房发育手术, it is designed to get rid of that extra tissue with very minimal downtime and virtually next-to-no scarring. 

The following excerpt is a one-on-one interview we conducted with Thomas, a recent 俄亥俄州哥伦布市的男性乳房发育手术 澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台.  Hear what he had to say about his experience at 唐纳森整形外科 before making your next move forward:




托马斯: “The first thing I noticed was when I was driving. I started having sensitivity in my nipples, which was weird. 然后从那里开始增加. 

I didn’t really have any problems during my teen years. I’ve been going to the gym ever since I was in high school. It’s not like I was ever overweight or that I gained weight and saw more breast tissue. 它不知从哪里冒出来的. You hear a lot of people say that they develop gynecomastia around puberty – when their hormones change. 但我的生日是在我28岁的时候.

I noticed the extra tissue around the breasts out of nowhere. 那只是一块真正的脂肪组织. 我真的不喜欢衬衫的手感. 这对我来说很不舒服. 在此之前我从未有过身体形象问题. I was afraid to take my shirt off in public and go to the pool.

I started researching what it was and what it could have been caused by. 然后我开始寻找解决方法.”

下一步:雌激素阻滞剂vs. 男子女性型乳房手术


托马斯: “I went to an endocrinologist to get my hormones checked out. We thought it was a hormone imbalance, so they put me on anti-estrogen. I was basically on the lower end of average for testosterone but my estrogen was on the higher end of average. I was within the normal ranges but on the opposite ends of where you’d want to be.

服用雌激素阻滞剂后,]I noticed some performance benefits in the gym but it didn’t have any effect on the tissue itself. It helped my testosterone, but it didn’t help the gynecomastia symptoms at all.



托马斯为什么选择博士. 唐纳森

托马斯: “Dr. 唐纳森 was one of the highest-rated gynecomastia surgeons in the local area and we began from there. This was a serious surgery so I was trying to find the best result.” 



托马斯: “这绝对是一个很大的进步. I don’t wear tight shirts, but I like fitted shirts. How tight it was on my chest was so uncomfortable. 我总是穿着连帽衫和宽松的衣服. After the surgery, I could wear my normal clothes again. 整个过程非常简单和顺利. 后续进展都很顺利. 结果,我真的很喜欢.”



托马斯: “The recovery was the hardest part because of the drains that were in there for a week or two – that was hard, 但这是取得好结果的必要条件. That was actually the first time I even had anesthesia or had gone under for surgery. It was a shock but I don’t think there was anything I would have done differently or changed.”


托马斯: “这可能是创伤. 我骑摩托车,这可能会有影响. There are just too many factors to know what exactly caused it.”


Are You Looking For More Information About 男子女性型乳房手术?

Our experts are on standby to answer your questions or to schedule your first appointment so you can get it out of the way now — and for good. Dr. 唐纳森是一位著名的整形外科医生 with exceptional experience removing breast tissue and overall male breast reduction. He performs these procedures on a weekly basis and would like to help you out. 


